How Antibiotics Get Rid of Chronic Sinusitis

Chronic sinusitis is not a life-threatening condition. However, suffering from it can have a significant impact on your life. Imagine not being able to concentrate on your work because of severe and recurring headaches. Or missing work when you are feeling weak due to clogged nose, fever and chronic fatigue. As a matter of fact, recent surveys reveal chronic sinusitis as one of the leading causes of absenteeism from work.

Having sinusitis means that your sinuses are infected or inflamed. It is termed as chronic because the symptoms are felt for a long period of time or keep on coming back. Below are the most common signs and symptoms to watch out for:

• Thick, yellow or greenish discharge
• Nasal congestion
• Reduced sense of smell or taste
• Facial pain
• Coughing
• Sore throat or bad breath
• Fatigue and nausea

Chronic sinusitis is caused by a variety of reasons. Having nasal polyps or nasal tumors can cause blockage in the nose, making it prone to infection. Physical disorders like nasal deviated septum can also lead to chronic sinusitis due to poor drainage of the sinuses. Dental infections, allergies, or past and untreated acute sinusitis can also develop into chronic sinusitis.

When treating chronic sinusitis:

• Patients are often prescribed to undergo antibiotic treatment for 3 - 4 weeks.
• Antibiotics kill the bacteria causing the infection and prevent its further growth.
• Medication can be taken orally, intravenously or even through the use of nasal spray.

Antibiotic treatment is generally safe and with very few side effects. It is also very effective as reports show the use of appropriate antibiotic at the proper dosage cures sinusitis 90% of the time.

When undergoing antibiotic treatment, it is important to take the medications precisely as prescribed by the physician. Some people tend to stop taking medications as soon as they feel better or the symptoms went away. Others take the drugs using lower dosages or not taken on time. Because of this, the infection tends to come back. There is also the risk of becoming immune to its healing powers if taken the wrong way.

As with any medication, use of antibiotics may have side effects for some people. Below are some of the usual side effects associated with its use:

• Upset stomach
• Diarrhea
• Vaginal yeast infection
• Allergic reactions
• Inflammation of the small and large intestine

If you are experiencing any of the side effects mentioned, contact your physician at once for alternative medication. Also, there are times when even a long regimen of antibiotics cannot cure chronic sinusitis. If this is the case, other options such as mentioned below may be explored to manage the symptoms and improve the quality of life.

1. Try steam treatments at home. They help get rid of phlegm and ease nasal congestion.
2. Nasal irrigation is highly recommended to rinse the nasal passages and clear out excess mucus and irritants.
3. Drink lots of fluids to hydrate the body. Eat healthy to boost the immune system and prevent infection.
4. Make changes with your lifestyle. Exercise regularly to keep the body healthy and strong. Stop smoking and avoid alcohol as these habits make the sinus prone to infection.
5. Visit your doctor and ask about surgical treatments to improve the drainage in the sinus. Endoscopic surgery may be an option remove obstruction in the nasal passages.